• Adventure,  Life,  People,  Photoshop,  Travel

    India | Catatan Perjalanan II

    © 2010 Wazari Wazir | Jodhpur Railway Station  | Rajasthan | India | Travel Photography © 2010 Wazari Wazir | Proses Mengisi Borang Visa India Bersebelahan Dengan India Visa Centre di Jalan Lebuh Pasar Besar Saya minta maaf kerana terpaksa selang selikan kisah perjalanan saya ke India dengan entry-entry yang lain terutama gambar-gambar keluarga saya serta entry dalam Bahasa Inggeris, pasal memang dwibahasa blog saya ni cuma terdapat  permintaan dari rakan-rakan yang agak sukar untuk memahami isi kandungan dalam Bahasa Inggeris tetapi cukup berminat untuk mengetahui tentang tips-tips untuk ke India. Saya sambung sedikit lagi kisah kami sebelum kami ke India, antara persiapan awal. Antara persediaan awal kami ialah mencari…

  • Art,  Black and White,  Culture,  History,  Hitam Putih,  Photojournalism,  Photoshop,  Tourism,  Travel

    Travel Photography | Taj Mahal | Within The Frame

    Taj Mahal has been photograph million times and I guess each possible angle has been taken already including framing like this one, I’ve always imagine this kind of frame back home in Kuala Lumpur before I went to India. I purposely wait for that person to enter the frame just to have a centre of attraction to make it more interesting, without the presence of a human, I think this picture will look a bit boring, I know that some people hate to have people in their picture, they try to eliminate them or wait until the frame is clear from unwanted people presence. This shot would not be possible…

  • Adventure,  Art,  Life,  Malaysia,  Photoshop,  Travel

    Omadal | Life By The Sea

    Impian Seorang Nelayan | M.Nasir Burung Camar hinggap di jejari Seorang nelayan sedang bermimpi Mimpi tentang duyung Mimpi tentang untung Biduk hanyut dibawa ombak Laut Cina Selatan Dalam mimpi berkata sang duyung “Wahai nelayan kau anak laut Di sini tempatmu Di sini rezekimu Pengorbanan yang kau lakukan Ada balasannya” Mega mendong Laut pun bergoncang Nelayan tersentak biduk sesat haluan Sang mentari terlindung Pantai tak kelihatan Tawakkal jalan akhirnya Dalam pondok kecil beratap rumbia Seorang ibu memandang hari muka Sambil ia menyusukan bayi yang kehausan Ufuk timur hilang dari pandangan Wahai anak yang sedang menangis Mungkin kini engkau tak mengerti Bila kau dewasa dan pandai nanti Pengorbanan ayahmu sayang Jangan kau…

  • Art,  Assignment,  Expression,  Lady Girl Gorgeous,  Life,  Light,  Malaysia,  Moment,  People,  Photoshop,  Portrait,  Portraiture,  Portraiture Workshops,  Travel,  Workshops Photoshop

    Mesilau Photography Workshops | Creative Lighting System CLS

    Some of the picture taken during Mesilau Photography Workshops at Desa Cattle Mesilau Sabah. Since I did not play with Creative Lighting System or CLS, I’m sharing with you what CLS can do if you combine them beautifully with fantastic background. My friend Roslee Karim from Spylens Studio only use single Flash SB900 for those two picture above and you can see behind the scene photograph taken by Azman Jumat. To those of you who like to play with Creative Lighting System or CLS, there is a good news for you, Roslee Karim and Azman Jumat will be conducting another Portrait Photography Workshops at Mesilau in the not too distant…