• Adventure,  Art,  Photojournalism,  Travel,  Uncategorized


    Bila kita bercakap tentang gambar pemandangan ataupun landscape photography, lensa yang biasa digunakan adalah wide angle ataupun lensa sudut luas. Sebabnya mudah pemandangan itu adalah sesuatu yang besar, meliputi kawasan yang luas, seluas mata memandang orang kata. Amat jarang kita lihat landscape photographer membawa Lensa 400mm atau 600mm ketika outing, kebiasaanya lensa yang dibawa adalah dalam range atau lingkungan 10mm hinga 35mm. Sebabnya ialah, seboleh-bolehnya seorang landscape photographer ingin memasukkan seberapa banyak elemen ke dalam gambar, contoh gunung ganang yang luas terbentang ataupun padang ragut yang luas dengan ratusan biri-biri atau haiwan liar. Tetapi pernahkah anda melihat gambar di Afrika, iaitu gambar di Safari di mana kelihatan sekawan zirafah yang…

  • Adventure,  Art,  Assignment,  Travel

    Travel Photography | The Early Bird Gets The Worm

    © 2014 Wazari Wazir | Beautiful Early Morning Mist at Bario Sarawak “And I walked for hours, imagining the mist growing thick and swallowing me whole. The thought of disappearing like that, so simply, made me so happy.”  – Jay Asher –  “The Early Bird Gets The Worm”. I think everyone knows that and when it comes to photography, those who rise early definitely have a chance to get a better photographs. Normally the best lighting when it comes to natural light is during early morning and late afternoon when the sun is low in the sky. We often refer it to the golden light, but there is also a…

  • Adventure,  Art,  Travel

    Travel Photography Tips | Finding The Best Composition

    © 2014 Wazari Wazir | Buffalo at Bario | Sarawak Sometimes what separate good photograph from the bad one is the composition. From the main road, what will catch your eyes is the last photograph, there were a woodshed behind the buffalo, that background is not a good background. Too cluttered to make the buffalo standout, I almost never took the shot but I just took it, so I can make a comparison to my blog readers. On the right side of the woodshed is a beautiful background, if I choose the right composition, I can make the buffalo to stand out against the beautiful background covered by thick mist.…

  • Art,  Assignment,  Travel

    Travel Photography | A Blanket of Mist | Bario Sarawak

    © 2014 Wazari Wazir | A Blanket of Mist at Bario Sarawak “And I walked for hours, imagining the mist growing thick and swallowing me whole. The thought of disappearing like that, so simply, made me so happy.”  – Jay Asher –  This photograph is a grabbed shot, or should I say just a snapshot, I really did not plan it, if I know that someone will cycle through this paddy field, I will definitely change my lens from 24-70 mm to 70-200 mm to get a little bit tight, but then I think this wide shot works well with the environment. Some people said that, the best photographs always…