• Adventure,  Art,  Life,  Malaysia,  Photoshop,  Travel

    Omadal | Life By The Sea

    Impian Seorang Nelayan | M.Nasir Burung Camar hinggap di jejari Seorang nelayan sedang bermimpi Mimpi tentang duyung Mimpi tentang untung Biduk hanyut dibawa ombak Laut Cina Selatan Dalam mimpi berkata sang duyung “Wahai nelayan kau anak laut Di sini tempatmu Di sini rezekimu Pengorbanan yang kau lakukan Ada balasannya” Mega mendong Laut pun bergoncang Nelayan tersentak biduk sesat haluan Sang mentari terlindung Pantai tak kelihatan Tawakkal jalan akhirnya Dalam pondok kecil beratap rumbia Seorang ibu memandang hari muka Sambil ia menyusukan bayi yang kehausan Ufuk timur hilang dari pandangan Wahai anak yang sedang menangis Mungkin kini engkau tak mengerti Bila kau dewasa dan pandai nanti Pengorbanan ayahmu sayang Jangan kau…

  • Adventure,  Assignment,  Malaysia,  Moment,  Photojournalism,  Photoshop,  Portrait,  Portraiture,  Tourism,  Travel

    Built Rapport With The People You Photograph

    I’ve the opportunity attending Public Talk by Steve McCurry at Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia Kuala Lumpur in conjunction with his latest exhibition title A Common Faith: Steve McCurry’s Travels through the Muslim World on 7th January 2010. Steve McCurry is very famous with his Afghan girl portrait but I’m not going to talk about that picture. What I’m interested is how Steve approach his subject or in this case, people he photograph. Steve tells us that we must respect the person we photograph, they are not a “Subject”, they are just a person, normal human being like the rest of us and deserved to be treat as one. Don’t just…

  • Art,  Care,  Culture,  Emotion,  Expression,  Face,  Life,  Love,  Malaysia,  Photoshop,  Portrait,  Portraiture,  Travel

    Mabul | Hope

    Mabul…, where do I begin, where do I start, as usual I really have a hard times putting thought into words, I admit it that I’ve a lot to tell, a lot to share, this trip to Mabul Island, a small island off the south-east coast of Sabah in 2008 is personal trip, I mean it’s not related with my job, not an assignment, not really an outing but more like traveling with a small group of friends just wanted to have some fun out from concrete jungle. Not everybody in my group is a photographers, some of them  just wanted to come here to Mabul for diving or snorkeling.…