
  • Art,  Life,  Light,  Malaysia,  Portrait,  Street,  Tourism,  Travel,  Workshops Photoshop

    Super Friends Penang Street Outing

    Rumah Siap Pahat Berbunyi, itu pepatah yang biasa kita dengar. Pertama sekali saya ingin beritahu sebenarnya saya sendiri pun tak tahu yang saya dimasukkan dalam group “Super Friends” sehinggalah keluar Poster atau pun Ikon “Super Friends” di Facebook, tengok punya tengok nama saya ada di situ sebagai Batman, dorang semua pun takde inform saya pasal apa2, saya cuma diam jer la, dorang PM dalam Facebook pun saya tak balas, menolak pun tidak, nak join pun tidak. Reason utama saya tak balas PM dorang semua pasal saya tak berani janji boleh turun Penang pada masa yang ditetapkan, kerja saya tak menentu, tak lama lepas tu ada la dorang contact saya tanya…

  • Art,  Black and White,  Emotion,  Expression,  Face,  Life,  Malaysia,  Moment,  People,  Photoshop,  Politic,  Portrait,  Portraiture,  Tourism,  Travel

    Passion and Creativity

    I find it very difficult to make a Photoshop Texture eBook compared to do the editing itself. I can do texture editing in Photoshop for less than five minute from scratch but it may take month or more to do the eBook. I’m sorry for that and I’m really sorry to keep you waiting, I’m  not trying to make easy money here, instead I want to make sure that my texture eBook will be easier to understand, easier to follow through and to make that happen I’ve to figure out a very simple way to share it with you. I’ve decided to share my workflow when doing texturing editing, hopefully…

  • Adventure,  Assignment,  Malaysia,  Moment,  Photojournalism,  Photoshop,  Portrait,  Portraiture,  Tourism,  Travel

    Built Rapport With The People You Photograph

    I’ve the opportunity attending Public Talk by Steve McCurry at Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia Kuala Lumpur in conjunction with his latest exhibition title A Common Faith: Steve McCurry’s Travels through the Muslim World on 7th January 2010. Steve McCurry is very famous with his Afghan girl portrait but I’m not going to talk about that picture. What I’m interested is how Steve approach his subject or in this case, people he photograph. Steve tells us that we must respect the person we photograph, they are not a “Subject”, they are just a person, normal human being like the rest of us and deserved to be treat as one. Don’t just…

  • Art,  Culture,  Light,  Malaysia,  Moment,  Photojournalism,  Photoshop,  Portrait,  Portraiture,  Tourism,  Travel

    The Photographer

    “There is only you and your camera, the limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are”. ( Ernst Hass ) Someday soon someone will ask: “Why did you become a photographer?” And you will answer : “I became a photographer because it involve me in the entire world around me. “I became a photographer because it provided me with food for my soul and bread for my table. “I became a photographer because it enable me  to observe the human condition and to record the parade of human events…” ( New York Institute of Photography ) Get The Secret HERE Tweet news and…

  • Adventure,  Art,  Assignment,  Culture,  East,  Expression,  Face,  Malaysia,  People,  Reportage Photography,  Street,  Tourism,  Travel

    Istanbul | Turkey

    When mention about Istanbul, image of Aya Soyfa, Blue Mosque will come into mind and also all those fairy tales and love stories about Constantinople will come alive. Istanbul is a great place to be and among world favorite travel destination. You can see Europe and Asia in one place, living in harmony here. Actually it is not so easy for me to reach here. There were so many procedure to follow and in fact I get the approval the very last minute before the day I depart for istanbul from Kuala Lumpur. To cut the story short, it was a long flight from Kuala Lumpur to Istanbul on 7th…