Adventure,  Travel

Travel | Happiness Only Real When Shared

Travel and Photography | Diplodocus | London Natural History Museum

Travel and Photography | Diplodocus | London Natural History Museum

© 2014 Wazari Wazir | Diplodocus | London Natural History Museum

“Happiness Only Real When Shared.”

– Chris McCandless –

Trans-Siberian Railway trip is my first trip as a Solo Traveler. Actually I did not mean to travel solo on this trip but due to some difficulties to get my friends to join me, I’ve decided to make it alone. I can’t wait forever until everyone is ready because I’ve been wanted to do this trip for quite some time already and I don’t want to prolonged any longer.

About the quote by Chris McCandles there, you may agree or not, I’m not here to discuss about it but for me, happiness will be much more meaningful if shared, especially with your loves one, family members for an example.

As a solo traveler I really like the freedoms to do whatever I wanted to do, to go wherever I wanted to go without wasting times waiting for the other party to ready. Does that makes me happy? Yes on a certain situation that makes me happy but deep down inside I really like to share my happiness with other people especially my family.

That’s what happens on McCandless, he tried to escape the humanity by traveling alone to Alaska and only then he realised that happiness itself can only be amplified or will be more meaningful when  shared.

While I was visiting the National History Museum in London  I spent almost four hour inside, marvelling at the hundreds million year fossil and skeleton of the dinosaur. Yes, I’m happy to be free roaming inside the museum and taking picture as much as I can without waiting or following any party but when I saw a happy family face with a little children, taking picture with the gigantic Dinosaur skeletons, I felt something is missing, which is my family.

I really wish, I can be with them here, especially with my little children which loves the dinosaur toys and I guess a lot of children loves dinosaur. Traveling with little children can be very tiring, you really can’t concentrate on what’s in front of you especially if you traveling in the crowd area like in  this museum, your eyes and attention must be hundred percent on your little children but then, looking at their happy faces will definitely put the stress away.

I wish I’ve the money to bring my family someday here, especially when my children is still a child, I mean yes, I can always saves some money and bring them here when they grow up, becoming a teenagers or an adult but then, the experience won’t be the same, they might get shy away  walking hand in hand with me holding hand together and then, maybe by the time they grew up, becoming an adult or teenager, they might lost interest with all  this Dinosaur skeleton, we never know and we can never tell.

Anyway my point here is that, happiness is real when we shared or will be much more meaningful when shared. Even though nowadays lots of people traveling alone, did you notice how much they share their stories and pictures in social media like Facebook, Twitter and Blogging about it, and some solo travellers like to keep an update about their whereabout almost daily to their facebook or tweet about it.

What does that mean? It means that they wanted to share their happiness and their stories with other people, even though some people like me don’t always update my whereabout when traveling, I do share my stories when I get back home. Have you ever met a person who just came back from traveling abroad and when you asked them about their experience, they say No? They say that their travel stories are not to be shared, its personal. I’ve never met a person like that, I don’t know about you. Most people that I knew will be more than eager to tell their stories, to share their happiness, to share their experience.

Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Pinterest, Tumbler and a lot more are proofs that happiness will be more meaningful if shared. We don’t normally share all our happiness stories online, there will also a moment of sadness that we wanted to share, when we share our bad moment or unfortunate circumstances, we felt much more relieved, same goes to sharing our happiness, the happiness will be amplified.

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

– Anonymous –

I'm a Photographer and Travel Blogger...

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