Art,  Business

Photography Business | Growing The Vision Monger 2






© 2012 Craft and Vision | Growing The Vision Monger 2 eBook by Corwin Hiebert

“Stop Looking at What Everyone Else is Doing And Focus On Who You Are, What Your Creativity and Craft Have to Offer, and Whom You Want to Serve.”

– Justine Keitch –

“Discover What Sets You Apart and Makes You Unique Because No One Can Be a Better You, Don’t Obsess About Competition.”

– Jennifer Wolf –

This is a management and marketing eBook for photographers of all levels and at any stage of growing their business. Growing the VisionMonger 2 is a candid and no-holds-barred eBook about freelance work, business ownership and self-promotion. It is focused on 20 business topics that can help you make better decisions about your photography business. Each section includes a “Take Action” task—a jump-start to change your thinking, get you out of a rut, or get you moving in the right direction.

In 68 spreads (19,000 words), Corwin addresses a range of topics: from creativity and business skills to networking, marketing, branding, and revenue streams—to name a few. In partnership with Wonderful Machine, he’s included 12 Q+As with working photographers, including featured photographs from their portfolios, and some weekend warriors too! | Craft and Vision

Just to make things clear, this latest eBook from CRAFT & VISION is not a photography “how to” book, I mean this eBook will not teach you on how to shoot a better picture, what aperture or shutter speed that need to be used for certain situation but this eBook is strictly for business. It is about how you can make money with your camera or about how you can turn your hobby into a successful photography business whether it is as a part time basis or full time.

We all know that photography is an expensive hobby for normal people, people like you and me, maybe if you are a millionaire, it’s nothing but then again if you are millionaire, why bother wasting your time reading my blog, you better run your business right? Yes I know that not everyone who chose photography as a hobby wanted to turn their hobby into business or wanted to sell some of your pictures but then again, wouldn’t it be better if you can generate some income from your expensive hobby, so that you can use that money to travel the world or get a better camera to satisfy your needs without sacrificing  your other income.

Even though you did not plan to make money from your photography, this eBook is a great, maybe it will open up your mind  a little bit, on how you can use your blog or social media like facebook and twitter to attract the right clients, unlike any other business book or ebook, this one written by Corwin Hiebert focus exclusively on photographers and  among great photographer that have succeeded using his guidance and advice is David duChemin and if you have been following my blog for a little while, you will know about David duChemin.

From the table of contents above you will get a better ideas about this eBook and what’s  in store for you. If your business currently is not encouraging or you are struggling to increase your price, or you are running out of ideas on how you can expand your business, this eBook is for you and if you need some ideas on how to maximise social media to create awareness about your product, then this eBook will be a great help, in fact some of tips and tricks that I’ve use all this while to sell my very own Photoshop eBook are here as well.

Whether you wanted to jump into photography business or not, this eBook will definitely open up your mind, who doesn’t want money right? So better get this eBook from CRAFT & VISION and leave your competitors behind.

I'm a Photographer and Travel Blogger...

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