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The Photographer | Be Yourself

© 2009 Wazari Wazir | Istanbul Turkey

If you were to ask me any good advice that I can give to my fellow photographers especially to those of you who just starting out with this hobby is this, just “be yourself”. I do believe that each of us are unique on their own. I believe everyone is different but sometime we try to be  somebody else, we try to clone somebody else especially those who have succeed, especially those who are popular, those who have large followers but sometimes we are not being true to ourselves, we are not being honest with ourselves.

There is nothing wrong if we adore certain people, there is nothing wrong if we want to be successful like the people  we idolize, but don’t be their clone, I mean we can follow their path to glory, we can follow their path to become popular, but we must not follow it blindly, sometimes deep in our heart we want to follow a different path but we feel unsure, we feel afraid that we might end up somewhere without guidance, we are afraid to create our own path even though we know deep down  inside  we want to have our own way but we are afraid because that path never been taken and we don’t know where it will end but for me we must know our destination, stay focus even though we choose a different path.

*To be be continue…

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One Comment

  • Atlanticstar

    wisely said…setuju !! 🙂 .filosofi yang sederhana tapi susah juga untuk diaplikasi pada dunia photography berhubung selalu tergoda untuk jadi “clone” orang lain. Dulunya saya berpikir photography hanya tentang merekam dunia tapi setahun belakangan ini saya jadi menyadari bahwa saya banyak belajar tentang diri saya, keluarga serta kehidupan sekitar melalui photography. Walo banyak hal2 tersebut tidak terekam pada camera saya, tapi mata saya jadi terlatih untuk melihat warna2 kehidupan manusia, andai saja tiap kali mata ini memejam lalu “memory” itu bisa langsung diprint ditelapak tangan…ah andai..:) anyway….postingan yang mencerahkan bathin dan pikiran…

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